脅威データベース フィッシング 「Geek Squad」メール詐欺

「Geek Squad」メール詐欺

人気のある技術サポート プロバイダーである Geek Squad は、Geek Squad Email Scam と呼ばれるフィッシング詐欺の被害者になりました。この技術サポート詐欺は偽の電子メールを使用して、人々をだましてクレジット カードの詳細、電子メール アドレス、さらには社会保障番号などの個人情報を提供させます。この記事では、詐欺自体、その外観、偽の電子メールの送信元、詐欺師が何を望んでいるのか、この詐欺の被害に遭わないようにする方法について説明します.

Geek Squad メール詐欺とは?

Geek Squad Email Scam は、技術サポート サービスを提供する正規の会社になりすますフィッシング詐欺です。詐欺師は、Geek Squad のカスタマー サービスから送信されたと主張して、人々に偽のメールを送信します。これらの電子メールには、「お客様各位」や「拝啓/奥様」などの一般的な挨拶が含まれていることが多く、プロモーション バナー、偽の請求書、およびサービスの公式サイトのように見える偽の Web サイトへのリンクが含まれています。

Geek Squad メール詐欺はどのようなものですか?

Geek Squad Email Scam で使用されるフィッシング メールには、「更新日」または「Geek Total Protection」という件名が含まれていることがよくあります。通常、メールの本文には、受信者に $499.99 で Geek Total Protection のサブスクリプションを更新するよう促すメッセージが含まれています。電子メールには、クレジット カードの詳細、電子メール アドレス、社会保障番号などの個人情報を要求する偽の Web サイトへのリンクも含まれています。


Geek Squad Email Scam で使用される偽の電子メールは、多くの場合、Geek Squad のカスタマー サービスから送信されたように見える電子メール アドレスから送信されます。ただし、これらの電子メール アドレスは偽物であり、公式のテクニカル サポート サービスとは関連付けられていません。

この詐欺の背後にいる人々は、無防備な被害者の個人情報を盗もうとしています.彼らはこの情報を使用して、クレジット カード詐欺、個人情報の盗難、およびその他の種類の金融詐欺を実行します。

Geek Squad メール詐欺に引っかかるとどうなりますか?

詐欺メールのコンテンツを操作すると、詐欺師は個人情報を盗み、詐欺行為に使用する可能性があります。彼らはあなたのクレジット カードを使用して不正な購入を行ったり、あなたの名前で新しいクレジット アカウントを開設したり、社会保障番号を使用してローンを申請したりすることさえできます。個人情報の盗難の被害者になる可能性があり、被害を元に戻すには長い時間と多大な労力がかかる可能性があります.

Geek Squad メール詐欺から身を守るには?

Geek Squad Email Scam から身を守るには、次のヒントに従う必要があります。

  1. 電子メール ソースを確認します。電子メール アドレスが正当なものであるかどうか、および送信者の名前があなたの知っている人の名前と一致するかどうかを確認します。
  2. 正当なリンクかどうか確信が持てない場合は、疑わしいリンクをクリックしないでください。リンクの上にマウスを置くと、URL が表示されます。疑わしいと思われる場合は、クリックしないでください。
  3. Web サイトに個人情報を入力する前に、 Web サイトの URL を確認してください。アドレス バーにある鍵のアイコンを探します。これは、ウェブサイトが安全であることを示しています。
  4. 一般的な挨拶には注意してください。正当な会社は、通常、あなたの名前またはユーザー名であなたに連絡します。
  5. メールの正当性が不明な場合は、カスタマー サービスにお問い合わせください


マルウェア修復ツールに投資することで、Geek Squad Email Scam のような電子メール詐欺にさらされた場合に、追加の保護層を提供できます。マルウェア修復ツールは、フィッシング リンクをクリックしたり悪意のある添付ファイルをダウンロードしたためにインストールされた可能性のある悪意のあるソフトウェアがないかコンピューターをスキャンするように設計されています。これらのツールは、マルウェアがコンピューターに損害を与えたり、個人情報を盗んだりする前に、マルウェアを検出して削除するのに役立ちます。信頼できるマルウェア修復ツールを入手することで、電子メール詐欺やその他のオンラインの脅威の被害に遭うリスクを最小限に抑えることができます。

「Geek Squad」メール詐欺スクリーンショット


「Geek Squad」メール詐欺 に関連する次のメッセージが見つかりました:


Invoice ID: 984-84561846
Date: 08-09-2022.
Helpline Number: +1(888) 730 7996.

Greetings, Geek Squad User

This email serves as confirmation that your computer protection plan's auto-renewal date is today. As a result, you will be charged $ 398.68USD, which will be automatically deducted from your checking account at your bank. Our service will be available to you for the upcoming 12 months.

Product Details: -
Description Geek Squad Premium
Quantity 01
Amount $398.68USD
Total: $398.68USD

Please be aware that this email was automatically created, so refrain from responding to it. The subscription charges will appear on your statement within the following 48 hours. However, please call our helpline at +1(888) 730 7996. if you want to review or cancel the subscription.

We appreciate your subscription.

Billing Department,
Customer ID: CX94203 Date: Sept 19, 2022

Payment Receipt
Dear Customer,
This email confirms your purchase of the following subscription.
Subscription Type Auto Pay Every 2 Yrs.
Subscription Period 2 Yrs.
Auto Charged 359.99 USD
Auto Paid Amount 359.99 USD
Toll Free: 88-831-3237
GeeK SQUAD Billing Team
1958 Ferguson Street,
New York, New York 10002
+1 (833) 737 - 2632
INVOICE # Due Date
77911180 October 21, 2022
Qty Description Unity Price Line Total
1 Geek Life Lock Service 299.99 299.299
1 Service 49.99 49.99
Subtotal 349.98
Sales Tax 34.99
Total 384.97
As our inbox is not monitored, you can contact us if you have any queries.
Thank you for your business!
Geek SQUAD Billing Team 1958 Ferguson Street, New York, New York 10002 Phone: +1 (833) 737 - 2632
Invoice No: # 854-632589
Invoice Date: Sep 13, 2022.
+1 (888) 207-3683
Hello, Customer
We appreciate your loyalty over the years, and this invoice serves as notice that your subscription plan will be automatically renewed today for the next two years at a cost of $329.99, which will be deducted from your bank account.

Invoice Information:
Product Geek Squad Computer Protection
Quantity 01
Amount $ 329.99
Total $ 329.99

However, it is entirely up to you if you wish to terminate the membership you can.
To do so, Call our Helpline at: - +1 (888) 207-3683
Billing Division.
Invoice #GS365-359463216
Support Center: + +1 801 833 0348

Hey, We hope you are happy with the services. Your personal subscription with 360-life-lock will expire today and the subscription will be automatically renewed.

Account Type: Personal Home Subscription
Product: PC Support
Quantity: 1
Tenure: 3 years
Payment Mode: Auto Debit
Order Amount: $ 349.00

We are sending you this Invoice regarding your subscription for 349.00USD It will automatically renew every 1 yers unless you turn it off.

Reach our customer support: +1 801 833 0348, if you have to cancel/modify it.
Purchase Details

Dear user,

Thank you for choosing our services

Your personal subscription GEEK SQUAD CARE will expire today. This subscription will be Auto-Renew as per plan selected at your end. Please Review your purchased summary below.

Customer support : +1 (888) 245-9426

Billed To

Customer Id : 7326587632876348565
Invoice Number: 6542RDFE546789OLKI
Order No : MUHY6542WEDFR556

Product Description :-
> A/C Type :- Personal PC
> Product :- GK/PC4
> Charges :- $413.00
> Device :- Windows Computer (4 Users )
> Quantity :- 12 Months Subscription
> Payment Mode :- Auto-Debit

This Email confirms that your subscription has been renewed for another 1 year with Geek Squad for $13 on September 14™ , 2022.

This Subscription will Auto-Renew Every year unless you turn it OFF. No later than 24 hour of before the end of subscription period .

To Cancel The Subscription, CALL: +1 (888) 245-9426

Team GeekSquad .
Your order Has been processed and as a change an amount of 463.95 USD has been debited from your account.

TRANSACTION DATE November 03, 2022

Thank you for remaining a part of our GEEK'S SQUAD family. Geek Squad holds a very strong reputation in the industry as a goodwill gesture, We are not willing to charge our customers this year for their auto-renewal.

REACH US AT: (808) 800-8785

Thanks, and regards,
Customer Support (24x7) (808) 800-8785
Support Line: (1085) 960 5323
Geek Squad Department
Date 09/28/2022
Print or save
Powered by BEST BUY

Thank you for your GEEK SQUAD billing payment. Your payment has been successfully processed and your account has been updated.

Product Description:
Account Type: Personal Home Subscription
Product: Geek Squad security
Quantity: 01
Tenure: 36 months
Payment Mode: Auto Debit
Renewal Amount: $377.75

If you have any questions regarding your bill, Please contact our support line at-(1085) 960 5323

You will be billed each plan period untill you cancel by downloading to the free plan
From your Android device, Mac or Windose PC.
Geek Squad

Dear Geek squad user ,

Thank you for being a customer of Geek Suad Security sesrvices .Your membership request has been successfully placed.Membership fund was charged from the card linked with your malware account. Charged amount will be reflected in your a/c within next 24hrs and it will charged you $413.00.

Billed To
Customer Id Number :6538778974
Invoice Number :GEEK7865SQUAD
Renewal Date : August 24™,2022

Description Quantity Unit Price Total
GEEK SQUAD protection security service Annual Subscription $413.00 $413.00

If You Didn't Authorize This Charge, You Have 24hrs. To Cancel & Get An Instant REFUND Of Your One year Subscription, To CANCEL the subscription , reach us at : +1 (808) 649-2494

Subject: Here's Your INV ID No p#0077566329 Has been Activated!


Date: Aug 24, 2022


This email is in regard to letting you know that your computer software update will be renewed for another 3 Years.


Invoice Number INV2300203US9
Amount $359.99 USD
Discount $59.99 USD
Amount Total $300.00 USD

Customer Care: (209) 243-5596

In case you have any further query please call our customer care help line number.
We will be glad to assist you with. You have 48 hours to cancel the subscription else it may be renewed with 300.00 USD from the accounts associated with our records.

If the email received in your spam box asks the service desk to verify machine identity.
Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored, and you will not receive a response.
Geek Squad

Dear Geek squad user ,

Thank you for being a customer of Geek Suad Security sesrvices .Your membership request has been successfully placed.Membership fund was charged from the card linked with your malware account. Charged amount will be reflected in your a/c within next 24hrs and it will charged you $413.00.

Billed To
Customer Id Number :6538778974
Invoice Number :GEEK7865SQUAD
Renewal Date : August 24™,2022

Description Quantity Unit Price Total
GEEK SQUAD protection security service Annual Subscription $413.00 $413.00

If You Didn't Authorize This Charge, You Have 24hrs. To Cancel & Get An Instant REFUND Of Your One year Subscription, To CANCEL the subscription , reach us at : +1 (808) 649-2494

Thanks and regards ,
Customer support , +1 (808) 649-2494
Geek Squad
Geek United States

Geek Squad Inc.
7601 Penn Avenue, South Richmond, MN 55423 USA
Toll Free Helpline 1(888) 632-2710

Invoice Number: #5545455
Invoice Date: August 22, 2022
Payment Due: August 22, 2022
Amount Due (USD): $349.85

Items Quantity Price Amount
Geek Drive Anti Drive 1 $349.85 $349.85
Total: $389.56
Amount Due (USD): $389.56

Notes and Termos & Condition
Your Payment for Geek Anti Drive Services has been purchased. The charge of purchase will appear in your account in next 24-48 hours. To stop or unsubscribe call now to Geek Squad Tech Support at 1(855) 632-2710. If you did not Authorize this charge or would like to cancel the subscription call now at 1(888) 632-2710

Subtleties of your Recent Invoice:
Item: Geek Anti Drive
Receipt ID: SMKAY/587120
Installment Made By: Online
Method of shipment: Not Updated Yet Kindly call us for more Info On 1 (888) 632-2710
Geek SQUAD Tech Support
Helpline Number: +1(888) 902-0782

Invoice Number: 00057-19873671
Invoice Date: Sep 02, 2022.

Good day, Sir/Madam

We're pleased that you chose Geek Squad as your computer security provider. Due to the auto renewal date, your antivirus protection plan will expire today and you will be charged $399.99 as of today. It will be taken out instantly from your bank's checking account. The charges will appear on your statement in the next 48 hours.


Account Type: - Personal Home Subscription
Product: - Geek Squad Protection Plan
Device : - Windows Computer (1 Users)
Quantity: - 1
Tenure: - 1 Years
Mode: - Auto Debit
Renewal Amount - $ 399.99

However, you can contact us at our helpline number, +1(888) 902-0782 if you want to cancel subscription.

Thanks & Regards,
Team Billing Department.

+1(888) 902-0782
Invoice ID: #852-789DS641F755
Date: 25/10/22
+1 (888) 354-1387
Good day.
We appreciate you choosing our service.
This invoice serves as a notice that your Geek Squad PC Protection Plan annual subscription plan is due for automatic renewal today. The subscription fee is $ 320.00, and your saved bank account will be automatically debited for that amount.
Invoice Details:
Description: Geek Squad Computer Protection Plan.
Quantity: 1
Tenure: 3 Years.
Payment Mode: Direct-Debit.
Subscription Charges: $ 320.00
If you have any concerns about the payment process, assuming it isn't too much difficulty, or you'd like to cancel the membership, please get in touch with us within 12 hours to file a complaint at +1 (888) 354-1387
Payment Invoice


Invoice ID: 64582Q31548G

Payment Debited Successfully!

We are happy to see your purchase on Geek Squad.
Your payment is debited and it will reflect on your account within 48 hours.
The order is processed and will be soon delivered to you on your email.
For any queries, Kindly contact us on : +1(818) 649-9410.

Plan Purchased : Geek Squad Antivirus

Invoice ID : 64582Q31548G

Total Amount : $449.99

Note: This is an Auto-generated message please call us for any query

Customer Support: +1(818) 649-9410.

Greek Squad

Dear Customer,

Thank You for choosing Geek Total Protection.
We have renewed your Subscription as per your electronic consent.
Hope you are with us.
This email is to inform you that an amount of $499.99 has been charged for the services.
For any assistance, please call: +1-808-666-6112.

Order details:
Invoice Number: GS-93404-0841036
Registered Email: -
Service: Geek Total Protection
Renewal Date: May 20, 2022
Next Renewal: May 20, 2023
Item Price: $499.99
Shipping: $0.0
Total Price: $499.99
Note: For any service activation queries or support or if you want to cancel the subscription please call us within 24 Hours for easy assistance.
We are here to assist you with every aspect.

warm regards,
Geek Squad Team
Copyright © Geek Squad Team | 2022
Subject: Contract renewed (A4ODAK8P)

Hi There!

Thank you for choosing Geek Squad Tech for your computer and network security!

You are receiving this notification because you have subscribed for ultra PC security shield plan last year which expired today.

So as per our previous communication wherein you opted for automatic debit, we have once again renewed and restored the annual services.

The annual subscription cost $ 389.99 is processed from the updated account credit balance, the charge will appear on the statement within 24 hours.

This subscription secures your 04 home devices along with the home network for a period of one year, the current subscription will be expired on 13 Oct. 2023.

Should you have any queries or doubt regarding this subscription or you have any payment related issues, kindly contact us immediately to avoid transactional disputes.

For Assistance # Contact Support # +1 (866) 316 7798

Please note, in case of service cancellation the amount will be refunded back to the original payment source within 24 hours.

kind regards,

Elizabeth C. Burton
Plan updated
Subject: Dear, Customer

Receipt From: September 08, 2022

Your Email Id: -

Your Order Details

Dear valued customer, your Geek Squad Tech subscription has been renewed automatically as you have subscribed for auto debit payments.

The automatic transaction of $ 429.99 is successfully processed from the updated mode of payment against the PC and Internet Security services.

The current subscription is activated on 08 Sep 2022, and it will be expired on 07 Sep 2023 unless you void the charges or unsubscribe the services.

In any circumstances you wish to upgrade, cancel, or deactivate the services please do so within 24 hours from the date of transaction to avoid further charges.

For Assistance, Contact Helpdesk +1 (888) 391 5163 Toll-free.

#Thanks for visit again#

Sophia Johnson
Geek Squad Services
Helpline Phone +1 (888) 391 5163.
Subject: Order Complete

Invoice No: GSKBBW360AXV129
Your Subscription with GEEK SQUAD will Renew Today and $389.99 is about to be Debited from your account by Today. The Debited Amount will be reflected within the next 24. In case of any further clarifications or block the auto-renewal service please reach out Customer Help Center.
Billed To
Customer ID: 239028916
Invoice Number: GSKBBW360AXV129
Renewal Date: July 18, 2022
Description Quantity Unit Price Total
Geek Squad Best Buy Service (One Year Subscription) $389.99 $389.99
Subtotal $389.99
Sales Tax $0.00
Total $389.99

If you didn't authorize this Charge, you have 24 Hrs. To cancel & get an instant refund of your annual subscription, please contact our customer care: +1 (469) 297-2928

Geek-Squad™ Best Buy Customer Care
+1 (469) 297-2928
Copyright @ GEEK SQUAD, 2022
Subject: Plan renewed id*171368

Dear # -

Customer Order Number: DHRW49

This mail is to let you know that your yearly membership for the prior year ëxpired on (18 Aug 2022)

We are renewing your membership plan for the device & internet security shield for this year because you choose automatic payments.

The payment of $ 379.78 is being processed from the updated nominated payment method and it will appear on your banking statement in few hours.

This is a recurring charge which will be automatically debited on (18 Aug 2023) ( Next Year) unless we get a verbal consent to deactivate the current services.

In case you change your mind and cancel/void the charges or stop the auto debit payments , please contact us within 24 hours on the below mentioned number.

For ány queries or assistance , reach out to us # +1 (888) 452 7924

"Thanking you"

Tonya Keibler

«Geek Squad» Customer Care Team

Geek Squad
DATE : 09-16-2022

Your Subscription with GEEK SQUAD will Renew Today and $399.99 is about to be Debited from your account by Today. The Debited Amount will be reflected within the next 24.
If case of any further clarifications or block the auto-renewal service please reach out Customer Help Center. +1 (808) 755-4671

Customer ID: 2398466879
Invoice Number: GE3973EK
Description Quantity Unit Price Total Geek Squad Best Buy Service (One Year Subscription)
Subtotal $399.99
Sales Tax $0.00
Total $399.99

If you didn't authorize this Charge, you have 24 Hrs. To cancel & get an instant refund of your annual subscription, please contact our customer care: +1 (808) 755-4671

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored, and you will not receive a response.

Thanks and regards ,
Customer support: +1 (808) 755-4671
BEST BUY Geek Squad
Subject: Thank you for your order Order No : #STR-P16


Order Date : 06.16.2022

Support Team : (844) 480-3111
Cancellation : (844) 870-3452

Dear Member,

Thank you for remaining a part of our Geek Squad family. Geek Squad holds a very

strong reputation in the industry and as a goodwill gesture, we are not willing to

charge our customers this year for their auto-renewal.

This email is being sent to all the users whose auto-renewal was not stopped and

was charged by the automatic debit system.

Customer Care 24*7: (844) 480 3111

Product Description

Account Type: Personal Home Subscription

Quantity:1 Device

Product:Geek Squad Internet Security

Current Plan:3 Years Subscription

Renewal Date: June 16, 2022

Payment Mode: Auto Debit

Order Total: $399.99

Payment Status: Successful

This Subscription Will Auto-Renew Every 3 Years Unless You Turn It Off. No Later Than 24 hrs. Before The End Of The Subscription Period.

If you wish to cancel this subscription Contact our Support Team (844) 480-3111 (Toll-free) for Any Queries.

Geek Squad Device Security Entitlement only PC or Mac.

Thank you,

Geek Squad

This email is being sent by Geek Squad as you have subscribed to our services

Copyright © 2022 GEEK SQUAD®, All Rights Reserved
Geek Squad, Inc.

3948 Hickory Heights Drive, Baltimore, MD 21202, US
Subject: Your Order Receipt From 15-Feb-2022,Check Your Invoice,Thank You

Geek Squad

Dear Customer,

Thank you for choosing our services. We are reaching out to remind you that your computer Protection Annual subscription has expired and Auto-Renewed today.

We would like to thank you for the completion of the maintenance plan.

We have auto-renewed your plan for 2 years and charged $399.99 against your account.

We understand that you are busy and hence could not get through to you when we are trying to contact you.

Order Summary
Product : Complete Network Security
Invoice No. : GS-9645132-365147
Subscription Date : February 15, 2022
End Date : February 15, 2024
Renewal Status : Auto-Renewed
Renewal Amount : USD399.99

If you have any question about this invoice or you want to cancel the subscription you can reach out our Customer Support at


